Men in Black 3 (2012) Watch online Movies Free Download,
Boris the Animal belongs to the monstrous and merciless race of Boglodites, he remained the last representative, all other alien invaders were destroyed. Once they managed to instantly eliminate huge planets, but their power gradually came to an end. Boris was caught and put in prison from which not everyone could get out, but Lilly helps him. Once free, the mad invader decides to move into the past, so he can kill Agent Kay and put his plan into action.
Forty years ago, young Kay was able to stop Boris the Animal, in a difficult fight he cuts off his hand, and then arrests him to send him to prison on the Moon. As soon as boglodit gets into the past, he kills the agent, and accordingly, he disappears into the present. The secret organization understands that Boris, with the help of the space-time continuum, was able to change the future, as he needed for his insidious plans. To solve the problem, it was decided to send Jay to the past, who was able to soberly assess the situation and correct an unpleasant situation for the agency.