Antim: The Final Truth (2021) Watch online Movies Free Download,
Rahul grew up in rather poor family, he always lacked money therefore it was necessary to beg on the street. He continued to feel like the loser. But when became the teenager, found out that it is necessary to adjoin criminal group, otherwise he and should wander as to his parents. Living in the small settlement, it had no prospects. But later, having moved to the city, he learned that here the gang long time trades in narcotic substances and weapon. They manage to hide out from the police. The youth, nothing without knowing in this field, asked to take it on a training, and subsequently became the inveterate criminal to whom criminal leaders envy.
However in this city long time keeps the police officer by the name of Razhvir order. He is a wise and responsible attendant of law and order, and will not assume that villains continued to create artful things behind his back. When he learned about the developed gangsterism on streets of this settlement, started investigation as it needs to liquidate the head of this gang quickly. He is sure that the owner of group does not know yet whom it should face. In law enforcement agencies many envy work of the police officer, he does not know fear. Also goes even to the most cruel firefights.