Kimi (2022) Watch online Movies Free Download,
The charming girl with the hair dyed in blue color by the name of Endzhela works remotely. Aytishnitsa with bright appearance has a phobia of open spaces so he prefers not to go outside. Frilansersha processes a set of records of users which gave commands to the advanced voice assistant under the name Kimi. After listening of audio the girl performs different tasks of the management: from tracking and correction of bugs of the application before removal of roughnesses of users. On record of one of strim there are obviously sounds of cruel crime.
There is a woman activating Kimi, shouts: "No, Brad! Stop it!". And against the background of there are sounds of desperate fight of the victim against the murderer. The main character is frightened. Soon she called the employer and complained: "Perhaps, I found crime". What the boss quietly answers: "The device catches so much nonsense! Just note it as the damaged file and darings". But the employee with heightened sense of justice cannot forget the incident. Suddenly that woman is alive and needs the help! Endzhela begins own investigation of incident and does not even suspect, will how far come in the search.