Home Team (2022) Watch online Movies Free Download,
The exacting, tough name coach Sean Peyton accustomed own wards from "the New Orleans of Seynts" to strict discipline and full devotion during the games. It is no wonder that the manager managed to achieve with team of success and to become champions of National Football Association. Despite of long-awaited triumph, the purposeful man does not wish to be satisfied with what has already been achieved therefore he continues to approach responsibly performance of professional duties, demanding from players to give all the best at trainings for hundred percent.
Habitual life of the main character was destroyed by the grandiose scandal which became property of the public. Punishment did not keep itself waiting long: Shona is discharged of favourite work for twelve months. Without thinking twice, Peyton goes to the provincial town to be engaged in education of the twelve-year-old son. The relations between relatives are far from ideal, constantly occupied father paid few attention to the offspring. The professional trainer gets a job in local school team the coach to help teenagers to cope with internal fears and also to impart to young men spirit of winners.