Ice Quake (2010) Watch online Movies Free Download,
In the remote state of Alaska, there is a small town, residents have recently begun to often notice strange tremors. This situation greatly worries the townspeople and they decide to report strange shaking. A senior military geologist who served in the engineering corps goes to the place. Mike suspects that the destruction of glaciers located on the territory of the Russian Federation is to blame for this. Local authorities are trying to reassure residents, saying that there is nothing strange and this is only a temporary phenomenon. While relaxing with his family, Michael decides to go to the mountains to cut down a Christmas tree for the New Year celebration. At this very time, a monstrous action is taking place underground, underground rivers are filled with liquid methane, which slowly penetrates to the surface. Because of the fault, he is like a dangerous killer, rising from the deep layers of the earth, where he has been hiding from everyone for a long time. Glaciers are melting, letting invisible gas out, spreading it throughout the area, preparing to produce a serious and very tragic catastrophe.