The Wind Walker (2019) Watch online Movies Free Download,
One day a hereditary writer dies. Then his son came to the place where his death took place. Unexpectedly, everything turned out in such a way that he got into the epicenter with an unusual confrontation. It lasted quite a long time. A very long time ago, about twenty-five years ago, the most successful author of books left for the forest area. It was located in Northern Michigan. It took him to write a novel called The Master of the Wind. To start writing it, it required a new inspiration. Then people didn't hear anything about him after he left. He recorded his events inside his personal diary. Inside it, one could see quite strange and frightening pictures. He drew a map with his own hand with a cassette player, where there were audio recordings. Then, when about twenty-five years had passed, his son certainly wanted to complete the whole story, which was started then by his father.