The Most Dangerous Game (2022) Watch online Movies Free Download,
Having gone to a small travel by sea, the father and the son did not assume that their surprising and such expected adventure, will be able to end not with absolutely attractive image. Having got to a storm, their yacht is in distress, they managed to escape and not to drown, salty sea waters cast men ashore, having presented them life as first it seemed to the main characters. Having got on the island, they understand that they would die in the sea abyss better, than were pawns in someone's hands, and executed terrible orders, killing in anything not guilty people, only to survive.
The island, belonged to the influential person, he could create here, anything, and he exercised the right fully. In the territories he arranged the real trophy hunting where he was not interested at all animals but only the highest a being on this planet - the person. He liked to watch how people should look for an exit from impasses, will decide on murder if only to protect themselves from inevitable death. The people who got on the island, let out in the wood as if the rabbits turning in spiteful predators for which it is necessary in any ways to protect itself from rivals, not to allow to fall a victim in this bloody and ruthless race.